
After years of saving and planning, our dream to overland through Africa is finally becoming a reality. Along with our Land Cruiser, Michael Buble, we will be travelling through our beautiful continent for 6 months! Woohoo!

About Us

We have been married for two busy years and have lived in Johannesburg all our lives. Ang is a Speech Therapist and Grant, an Environmental Consultant. We both love the outdoors and have dreamt of travelling through Africa together before we were even together (sort of). Please keep in touch and let us know your news. Hope you enjoy the journey with us.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Birds and Birding: Volume 1

Birds and Birding: Volume 1

Before I commence this insert, I would like it to be known that I am not trying to brag or make anyone jealous, I am merely presenting the facts as they occured. But man, Steve, Pierre, Shaun, Craig, Andrew and Greg you guys would be loving the diversity and new species of birds! Again I apologise if you find this hard to read.

My life list since the start of the trip stands at 44 with some very notable species occuring on the list. The following species have been obsereved and where possible photographed (as I know Steve will never believe me unless he has some photographic evidence). I will include the photos at another point as the connection in Malawi is slower than Steve on a mountain bike:

1. Pale-Winged Starling
2. Orange River White-eye
3. Dusky Sunbird
4. Rosey-faced Lovebird
5. Rudy Turnstone
6. Ruppell's Parrot
7. Ruppell's Korhaan
8. Rufous-Tailed Palm-Thrush
9. Meves's Starling
10. Grey-Backed Camaroptera
11. Bare-Cheeked Babbler
12. Yellow-Bellied Greenbul
13. Swamp Boubou
14. Red-billed Teal
15. Abdim's Stork
16. Chestnut Weaver
17. Spectacled Weaver
18. Southern White-crowned Shrike
19. White Browed Coucal
20. Shaft-tailed Wydah
21. Cape Teal
22. Hartlaub's Babbler
23. Southern Pied Babbler
24. White-browed Robin-chat
25. Meyer's Parrot
26. African Pygmy Goose
27. Long-toed Lapwing
28. Bradfield's Hornbill
29. Black Heron
30. Southern Carmine Bee-eater
31. Blue Cheeked Bee-eater
32. Lesser Jacana
33. Red-billed Spurfowl
34. White-backed Night Heron
35. Trumpeter Hornbill
36. Bronzy Sunbird
37. Forest Double-collared Sunbird
38. African Yellow White-eye
39. Whyte's Barbet
40. Tambourine Dove
41. Trilling Cisticola
42. White-eyed Slaty Flycatcher
43. Bertram's Weaver
44. Yellow-bellied Waxbill

(1-34 = Namibia (including the Caprivi), 35 = Zimbabwe, 36-44 = Malawi

Now, as most of you are probably reading this at work, I suggest you look these birds up after working hours as you may need a bit of time to familiarise yourself with them and admire their beauty. 

Yours in Birding,

1 comment:

... And Michael was his Name-O

Our Trusty Land Cruiser goes by the name of Michael Buble'. Unlike his human namesake, he is not from Canada, has not won any Grammy's and does not sing (he purrs). Our Michael got his name courtesy of Ang. When she first saw the Land Cruiser 80 Series she said they looked like big bubbles. Upon doing a little research we found that in Columbia and Venezuela the Land Cruiser was nicknamed Burbuja (Bubble) because of it's roundness. Bubble turned into Buble' and Michael was his name.

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